Goals & Ambitions | Blog
This blog post is to help connect with you, the customer, and show you what we as a brand do to plan and produce our products. We appreciate feedback on our posts and if you have anything that you would like us to cover or talk about then please comment down below!
It's a New Year and that means new Goals & Ambitions for us at OneOff. With 2022 now here we are exploring new ways to grow our brand, and take you all along on the journey with us! Our content will expand more this year with more behind the scenes on product development and concept analysis. We have ambitions over the course of 2022 to build a stronger following on social media, we want to try be more daily with our content and upload everything that you want to see, whether that's packaging orders, sketching etc we will be sure to show you everything we do to make OneOff the way it is!
We really want to push more prototypes and try make OneOff products that we will giveaway on our social media, so that one lucky person will have OneOff memorabilia for years to come. I think 2022 will be a big step for OneOff especially when we delve deeper into producing more content and looking more thoroughly into our social media platforms. I want to thank you all so much for helping us grow into what we are today with the constant support you all show. I am having to juggle my main source of work and put passion and time into OneOff, for the constant likes, shares and for anyone who buys our clothes I thank you so much! Please give us a share and if you buy anything from us please use our hashtag and tag us on your post, and we will share it on our website and social media!
Thank you, Euan - Owner